Materials: Intro to Text Mining in R with Estonian Popsongs

As part of the studies in Digital Methods and Contemporary datasets we learned about using R and Tidyverse to do simple text processing, on the example of Estonian pop songs 1994-2018. The dataset is posted on github.

The materials are posted online on github. Some graphs made:

Rank-frequency distribution of pop songs and fiction corpus

Rank-frequency distribution of pop songs and fiction corpus Rank-frequency distribution of pop songs and fiction corpus. Estonian newer fiction ngrams was used for comparison.

The locations of 'la' and 'na' in Estonian popular songs 1994-2018 The locations of ‘la’ and ‘na’ in Estonian popular songs 1994-2018

Song ‘Mina ka’ by Reket

Song 'Mina ka' by Reket The song ‘Mina ka’ by Reket, the x axis shows location in time, y axis the number of repetitions.