Talks last updated 21.01.2025.
- Tinits, P. 2024. Talk. Opening data in the Digital Lab of the National Library of Estonia (Andmete avamine Rahvusraamatukogu digilaboris). Machine Reads: Digital Heritage Seminar 2024. (Masin loeb: digipärandi seminar 2024.) Tallinn, Estonia. 14.10.2024 Slides
- Tinits, P.; Kruusmaa. K.; Nemvalts, L. 2024. Talk. The multilingual cultural history in national bibliographies: the Baltic case 1800-1940. 8th Conference of Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB 2024). Reykjavík, Iceland. 27.05.-31.05.2024 Slides
- Kruusmaa, K.; Nemvalts, L.; Tinits, P. 2024. Talk. AI-based solutions in the workflows of memory institutions (Tehisintellektipõhised lahendused mäluasutuste töövoos.) 1st Annual Conference for Humanites in Estonia. (1. Eesti humanitaarteaduste aastakonverents.) Tallinn, Estonia. 10.04.-12.04.2024
- Tinits, P.; Kruusmaa. K. 2024. Talk. The 19th Century Baltic Literary Space in the Estonian National Bibliography. (19. sajandi Balti kirjaruum Eesti Rahvusbibliograafias.) 1st Annual Conference for Humanites in Estonia. (1. Eesti humanitaarteaduste aastakonverents.) Tallinn, Estonia. 10.04.-12.04.2024 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2024. Talk. Digitized Newspapers in Estonia as a Research Source (Digiteeritud Eesti ajalehed uurimisallikana.) 1st Annual Conference for Humanites in Estonia. (1. Eesti humanitaarteaduste aastakonverents.) Tallinn, Estonia. 10.04.-12.04.2024 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2024. Talk. Adapting newspaper and bibliographic data for historical research: tools and case studies in Estonia. Helsinki Digital Humanities Research Seminar. Helsinki, Finland 08.02.2024. Slides
- Tinits, P. 2023. Talk. Studying major transitions in literary communities through the Estonian National Bibliography (1800-1940). The Cultural Data Analytics Conference 2023. Tallinn, Estonia 13.12-16.12.2023 Slides
- Tinits, P.; Nemvalts, L.; Kruusmaa, K.; Sinisalu, U.; Meiorg, M. 2023. Poster. Bringing community to the data Developing a digital lab at the National Library of Estonia. DH 2023: Collaboration as Opportunity. ADHO Digital Humanities Conference. Graz, Austria 10.06-14.06.2023. Poster
- Tinits, P. 2023. Talk. Newspaper collections and data mining access in Estonia. MEDAL Summer School in Corpus Linguistics. Tartu, Estonia. 19.06-23.06.2023 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2023. Talk. The Stratified Corpus of Estonian Written Language 1800-1940. (Eesti kirjakeele kihiline korpus 1800-1940.) 20th Conference of the Estonian Association for Applied Linguistics: Language and Users (ERÜ kevadkonverents 2023: 20. rakenduslingvistika konverents: keel ja keelekasutajad) Tallinn, Estonia. 27.04-28.04.2023 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2023. Talk. Virtual Lab at the National Library of Estonia. The 7th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference. Oslo, Norway 08.03.-10.03.2023 (virtual event) Slides
- Tinits, P. 2023. Talk. Finding historical discourse on natural environment: Australian newspapers 1900-1990. The 7th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference. Oslo, Norway 08.03.-10.03.2023 (virtual event) Slides
- Tinits, P. 2022. Talk. With databases on the sources of Estonian written language norms (Andmebaasidega eesti kirjanormide lätetel). Day of Text. Krista Kerge 70 (Tekstipäev. Krista Kerge 70). Tallinn, Estonia 07.11.2022 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2022. Talk. Virtual Lab at the National Library of Estonia. 8th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference. Tallinn, Estonia. 05.10-07.10.2022 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2022. Talk. Deep Transitions: Mapping Long-Term Changes in Industrial Modernity. 8th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference. Tallinn, Estonia. 05.10-07.10.2022 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2022. Talk. Deep Transitions: text mining historical newspapers for social history. Workshop “Cultural Evolution & Computational Humanities”. Jena, Germany 29.06-30.06.2022 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2022. Talk. Intentional language change: written Estonian ca 1900. Congress “Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere”. 25.02.-28.02.2022 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2021. Talk. Mechanisms behind standardization of written Estonian 1880-1920. Hison 2020: Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics. Erlangen, Germany 01.04-03.04.2020 (took place virtually 17.03-19.03.2021) Slides
- Tinits, P. 2020. Talk. Estonian language community ca. 1900: learning from linked metadata. 5th Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries. Rīga, Latvia, 17.03-20.03.2020 (took place virtually 21.10-23.10.2020) Slides
- Tinits, P. 2020. Talk. Using digital texts at the National Library of Estonia. Nordplus ‘Beyond search’ workshop (virtual event). Rīga, Latvia, 28.10.2020. Slides
- Tinits, P. 2020. Talk. The use of text data at the National Library: open data and open code (Tekstiainese digikasutus Rahvusraamatukogus: avatud andmed ja avatud kood). Day of Oskar Kallas (Oskar Kallase päev). Tartu, Estonia. Slides
- Kanger, L.; Tinits, P.; Pahker, A.; Orru, K 2020. Talk. Measuring industrial modernity, 1900-2020: Evidence from Australia, Germany, and Russia. The 11th International Sustainability Transition conference: Governance in an Era of Change – Making Sustainability Transitions Happen, online event Vienna, Austria, 18.08-21.08.2020
- Tinits, P.; Pahker, A.; Kanger, L.; Orru, K.; Sillak, S. 2020. Measuring Industrial Modernity, 1900-2020. Deep Transition in the Transatlantic Zone in the long twentieth century. Utrecht, Netherlands, 18.05-20.05.2020. (virtual event) Slides
- Tinits, P. 2020. Talk. Mining texts at the National Library of Estonia: potential for learning and discovery. Symposium Digitizing Cultural Heritage and its Innovative Usage. Tallinn, Estonia 12.03.2020 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2020. Talk. The mechanisms of spelling standardization for written Estonian 1880-1920. 42nd International Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS). The evolution of writing systems workshop. 04.03.-06.03.2020 Slides [Talk cancelled due to Covid-19]
- Tinits, P. 2019. Talk. Estonian Language Community ca. 1900: Learning from Linked Metadata. 7th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference: Use of Digital Cultural Heritage in Research and Education. Tallinn, Estonia. 04.12-06.12.2019 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2019. Talk. Of Digital Humanities (Digihumanitaariast). Fall Conference for Teachers of Estonian (Eesti keele õpetajate sügiskonverents). Tartu, Estonia. 08.10.2019 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2019. Talk. Mining texts for social history: Research from spelling standardization to sustainability transitions. Helsinki Digital Humanities Seminar. Helsinki, Finland. 17.10.2019 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2019. Talk. Experiments in combining databases: Estonian language community at the end of the 19th century (Katsetused andmebaaside ühendamisel: eesti keele kogukond 19. saj lõpul). Estonian Language Institute Graduate Seminar ‘Language and Technology’. Taagepera loss, Estonia. 11.09-13.09.2019 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2019. Talk. A digital humanities approach to historical sociolinguistics of Estonian. Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities. Riga, Latvia. 22.07-26.07.2019 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2018. Talk. Integrating databases to study language history. 6th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference: Data, humanities & language: tools & applications. Tartu, Estonia. 26.09.2018-28.09.2018 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2018. Talk. The spread of standard language in Estonian community in 1880-1920 (Standardkirjakujude levik Eesti ühiskonnas 1880-1920). Changes and influences in language (Mõjutusi ja muutusi keeles) Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia. 13.09.2018-14.09.2018 Slides
- Tinits, P. & Hartmann, S. 2018. Poster. Social learning of knowledge representations in Wikipedia. Applications in Cultural Evolution: Arts, Languages, Technologies. Tartu, Estonia 05.06-08-06.2018 Poster
- Sobchuk, O. & Tinits, P. 2018. Poster. Films become more complex: three case studies. Applications in Cultural Evolution: Arts, Languages, Technologies. Tartu, Estonia 05.06-08-06.2018 Poster
- Tinits, P. 2018. Talk. Intelligence of the crowds in nature and culture. Semiosalong. Tartu, Estonia. 02.04.2018 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2017. Talk. Of the replication crisis and its influence to research in a small community (Replikatsioonikriisist ja selle mõjust teadusele väikses kogukonnas). Theoretical Linguistics in Estonia V. Tartu, Estonia. 23.11.2017 - 24.11.2017 Slides
- Tinits, P. & Sobchuk, O. 2017. Talk. Digital humanities meets film history: is there progress in films? Digital Humanities in Estonia: Open licences, open content, open data: tools for developing digital humanities. Tartu, Estonia. 01.11.2017 – 03.11.2017 Slides
- Tinits, P. & Hartmann, S. 2017. Talk. The grammar of knowledge: Investigating the emergence of conventions in the evolution of Wikipedia. XLanS: Triggers of language change in the Language Sciences. Lyon, France. 11.10.2017 - 13.09.2017.
- Tinits, P. & Sobchuk, O. 2017. Talk. Cumulative cultural evolution in film production crews. Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference. Jena, Germany. 13.09.2017 - 15.09.2017.
- Sobchuk, O.; Tinits, P.; Shelya, A. 2017. Poster. Cumulative cultural evolution of films: the case of anachronies. Annual Conference of European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association 2017 (EHBEA-17). Paris, France. 06.04.2017 - 08.04.2017.
- Tinits, P. Talk. Of arbitrariness anno 2016 (Arbitraarsusest aastal 2016). XVIII Autumn School of Semiotics in Tartu - “Language-like”. Taevaskoja, Estonia. 05.10.2016-06.10.2016 Slides
- Nölle, J.; Tinits, P.; Hartmann, S.; Pleyer, M. 2016. Talk. Investigating the emergence of overspecification in an Iterated Learning setup. The Second Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics. Lublin, Poland. 20.06.2016-22.06.2016. Slides
- Hartmann S.; Tinits P.; Nölle J.; Hartmann T.; Pleyer M. 2016. Talk. Plain Simple Complex Structures: The Emergence Of Overspecification In An Iterated Learning Setup. The 11th International Conference on the Evolution of Language. Evolang XI 21.03.2016-24.03.2016
- Tinits, P. 2015. Talk. Perspectives on language during language renovation in Estonia (Vaateid keelele keeleuuenduse ajal). Johannes Aavik’s 135th jubilee conference: “Language renovation and publishing”. (Johannes Aaviku 135. sünniaastapäevale pühendet konverents: „Keeleuuendus ja kirjastamine“). Kuressaare, Estonia. 04.12.2015-05.12.2015. Slides
- Sobchuk, O.; Shelya, A.; Tinits, P. 2015. Talk “Evolution within cinemetrics: A quantitative study of American mystery films.” Digital Humanities in Estonia A° 2015: Conference on translingual and transcultural digital humanities. Tartu, Estonia. 19.10.2015-21.10.2015.
- Hartmann, S.; Nölle, J.; Pleyer, M.; Tinits, P. 2015. Talk “Communicative Relevance and Morphological Complexity: An Iterated Learning Approach”. Protolang: Ways to (proto-) language. Rome, Italy. 24.09.2015 – 26.09.2015.
- Nölle, J.; Tinits, P.; Hartmann; S.; Pleyer, M. 2015. Talk “Experimental Approaches to the Evolution of Morphological Complexity”. 48th annual meeting of European Linguistics Society (Societas Linguistica Europaea). Leiden, Netherlands. 02.09.2015 – 05.09.2015. Slides
- Tinits, P. 2015. Oral mini-presentation. “How does one become a standard language culture? Reflections on language in historical contexts. Estonian language standardizations 1900- 1920”. 9th Summer School of Historical Sociolinguistics. Metochi, Greece. 01.08. – 08.08.2015 Slides
- Tinits, P. 2015. Talk. “Standard language culture and the case of Estonian (around 1880- 1920)”. 12th Summer School of Salos Grammar Academy (Academia Grammaticorum Salensis Duodecima). Rokiškis, Lithuania. 26.07. – 02.08.2015. Slides
- Nölle, J.; Tinits, P.; Hartmann, S & Pleyer, M. 2015. Talk. “People make things messier: How communicative pressures shape linguistic complexity”. The 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-13). 20 - 25.07.2015.
- Tinits, P. 2015. Talk “Reduction in variation in written Estonian in 1880–1920”. The International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 8 (ICLaVE-8). Leipzig, Germany. 27.05.2015 – 29.05.2015. Slides
- Tinits, P. 2015. Talk “Language ideologies: A perspective from standardization”. Tracking down ideologies – workshop on the methodologies of language ideological research. Helsinki, Finland 27.02.2015.–28.2.2015. Slides
- Tinits, P. 2014. Oral mini-presentation “Language Simplification in the Laboratory: A Behavioural Experiment for Linguistic Typology”. 8th Summer School in Historical Sociolinguistics. Kristiansand, Norway 27.07.2014 – 03.06.2014. Slides
- Tinits, P. 2013. Talk “Bias for Language Simplicity in Composite Populations?“. 19th International Congress for Linguists (CIL-19). Geneva, Switzerland. 22.07.2013 – 27.07.2013. Slides
- Tinits, P. 2013. Talk “Application of Semiotic Experiments in Linguistic Research”. 8th Conference of Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies: Sign Evolution on Multiple Timescales (NASS-8). Aarhus, Denmark 29.05.2013 – 31.05.2013. Slides